After college graduation, my parents’ assured me I had a “good job”, but I felt sick to my stomach. What if three months in I hated my job or worse; what if it led to a dead-end in my career?
Since then, I’ve switched jobs inside the same company a few times, and have still felt that same uncertainty every time. Should I stay in my role, switch internally, or go elsewhere? Recently though a mentor helped me create this mental model to decide where to work next
- Who am I working with?
- Your manager/partner is more important even than the work you are doing
- If you love the people you work with everything will be better
- Is the area growing?
- When an area is growing opportunities open up that you can’t even imagine
- In addition, small/fast growing areas lead to quicker promotions and upward growth as you become more tenured than new hires
- Is it fun?
- Life is made up of a lot of dreary Monday and Wednesday mornings
- If you love what you do, Mondays will start feeling like Fridays and you’ll thrive both personally and professionally
- Am I learning?
- Are you adding new skills beyond what you already have?
- High learning roles are often challenging as you don’t know anything. This short term pain is well worth it though, as learning compounds and sets you up for a long term success
- What options does it offer?
- Even when you don’t know what’s next, think about what’s possible
- The more roles/areas opened up by a job, the better off future you will be
- Instead of being boxed into one area, you’ll have the choice of whatever you want
- In addition, as Naval says “the single most important thing about a company is the alumni network you’re going to build”
- Even when you don’t know what’s next, think about what’s possible
While this doesn’t capture everything, it has helped me add structure to a white space problem. Good luck in your next role and let me know if there’s any other frameworks you use when choosing what’s next.