In Psychology of Money, Morgan Housel says “your personal experiences with money make up maybe 0.00000001% of what’s happened in the world but maybe 80% of how you think the world works.” 

This quote is about how each of us approaches money differently, but I’ve found it’s the best articulation of why to travel. Traveling expands horizons by:

  1. Rethinking assumptions → maybe we don’t need to drive on the right side of the road?
  2. Illuminating new lifestyles→ some cultures are based on multigenerational households where 30+ people from grandparents to grandchildren live together
  3. Rewiring how we speak→ In Spanish instead of “Claire’s house” you say “the house of Claire” 

Similarly to how I’ve found running expanding my perspectives, travelling to new countries and states offers invaluable experience as it literally provides a more holistic view of the world. 

My goal is to travel somewhere new every month which I hope will take me from understanding 0.00000001 → 0.0000002 of the world. Maybe this doesn’t seem like much, but that’s a 20X improvement and one of the most valuable investments I can make. 

Categories: HabitsTravel