Multiple parents recommended we should pay more for a new stroller then we thought. This surprised me and since we’re about to be making lots of spending decisions for my son, we came up with a two step framework for deciding if we should pay up

  1. Frequency of use – how often will you use the item?
  2. Quality Delta – What’s the gap between cheap + expensive options?

This creates a 2×2 matrix:

Big quality delta between optionsSmall quality delta between options
Use good often Buy expensive option Individual decisions. Lean cheap
Rarely used good Individual decisions. Lean cheapBuy cheap option

In the case of our stroller because we’ll use it every day for a couple years, and a good vs bad stroller makes a big difference we decided to pay up. 

I previously touched on a few other factors in our overall strategy to wealth building. Other factors that may influence if we pay up 

  1. Does paying up save you money or time?
    • This is almost more of an investment
    • Even something simple like buying reusable bags may make it easier to carry in groceries or mean you don’t have to pay for new bags every time at the store 
  2. Is it related to a hobby?
    • Pay up for your hobbies, and be frugal in other places
    • If skiing is your passion, buying nice skis makes perfect sense. If it’s something you don’t care about, then there’s no need 

And finally as a general rule, we pay more for experiences with others than items. Experiences will generate moments and memories that last a lifetime

Categories: Habits