In 2024 I’ve struggled with my mental health and haven’t felt like the best version of myself. In March I’m gradually improving, and now I want to record a to-do list of “how to fix myself” for my next trial.

Daily checklist 

1Get up and exercise – Move immediately after waking up. 
– Running or working out first thing in the morning helps me think straight.
– As Andrew Huberman says, sunlight early in the morning helps too.
2Meditate– Meditate 5-10 min everyday.
– Catch myself when my mind is wandering and remember to be in the moment. 
– Do not avoid negative emotions and savor the suck.
3Channel curiosity – Ask why why why like a little kid? 
– Curiosity in the face of adversity allows me move forward.
4Spend time outdoors – In times of trouble…take a walk outside. Feel the fresh air, smell the trees.
– Remember my own reminder that I’m charged up on sunlight.
5Connect with others – Spend time with others and focus on kindness to them.
– Thank others. If you think of a kind thing do immediately 
– Listen to others – Ask people how they’re doing, look them in the eye, be curious about their life, and listen deeply. Ask leading questions about thoughts not facts. What caused you to move to that neighborhood vs where do you live? 
6Savor the little things– Enjoy the Taco Bell $2 burrito as much as the Napa wine. 
– Joy comes from enjoying the experience as it’s happening 
7Focus on the next step– Like running a marathon, when things are tough focus not on the next mile but on the tiniest next step you can (FS quotes). 
– Or as Anna eloquently puts it, just do the next right thing.

Best Ideas on living 

The content that’s been the most helpful for me is:

  1. Arthur Brooks Strength to Strength book
  2. Arthur Brooks podcast with Peter Attia
  3. Cyan Bannister podcast on Invest like the Best
  4. Bill Perkins Die with Zero
#LessonWhere I learned this from + notes
1Deep social relationships – Focus on having core real friends vs just deal friends at work or in a specific context
– Arthur Brooks Strength to Strength page 112 “Redwoods grow because they’re connected to others. Think about spreading your roots to grow yourself
– Arthur Brooks Strength to Strength page 139 “Write out a list of your friends and ask yourself what are things those friends need from you that only you can provide? Be there for that person otherwise relationship will fall into neglect
– Focus conversations on what do you do for meaning/purpose vs factual (I work for company at xyz) 
2What’s fun for free? Mike Meyers gets most joy from things that require no money
What are my best experiences?
– Going to beach, running, biking, stargazing, camping, hiking, museums, goofing off/cracking jokes.
  -All unique experiences are more fun than a fancy watch or pricey dinner
3Think about death – Realize you’ll die
– With professional failure vividly imagine its failure to no longer be afraid of it
– AB Strength to Strength page 104- “truly meditating on death helps you focus on the things that matter”
– AB Strength of Strength page 102 – “Your eulogy virtues are what you would want people to say at your funeral. They require no comparison to others and it’s better to live life according to that
4Want less– Satisfaction = haves/wants. 
– AB Strength of Strength page 102 “Easy way to be happy isn’t to have more, but to want less.”
5Belief in something greater than meAB Peter Attia pod two key questions
1) Why are you alive?
2) What would you die for? 
6Make a failure journal– AB Peter Attia pod 71 min – Anxiety = unfocused fear 
– AB Peter Attia pod 75 min – Failure journal 
1) Write out your failure.
2) Set an alarm for 30 days later and one for 6 months later.
3) 30 days later – what did I learn about this in 30 days.
4) 6 months later – write out what good happened from this failure?
Use failure as an opportunity to grow
7Cut out what’s not needed AB – strength to strength page 91
– Focus first on long term goals and then chip away bucket list items that aren’t connected to loving others or your eulogy virtues.
– These can be money/status/etc but if they aren’t love with others than not important 
8Avoid comparisonComparison is the thief of joy.
– Comparing up or down won’t make you happy. 
– Feeling like “I should be happier than that Schmuck” helps neither him nor you.
– Instead flip to gratefulness for little things 
9Channel curiosityCyan Bannister on Invest like the Best 15-25 min
– Curiosity in the face of adversity allows you to change your perspective.
– Approach like a child and ask what am I missing.
10Die with zero– Focus on how to maximize life for optimal fulfillment
– Break down into buckets. What are my goals over the next 5 years?
11Life will have transitionsIn Strength to Strength page 194, Arthur Brooks references “Life is in the Transitions
– Author finds that people on average experience one “lifequake” or major transition every 18 months and the lesson for me is change will happen constantly.
– It’s ok to be overwhelmed when it happens and you can adapt 
Categories: Habits