I visited Ecuador this February to climb three different volcanoes. I didn’t reach any of the summits and it threw me off for more than a month. Yet it wasn’t my disappointment that caused issues (weather can be fickle…I get it), but instead it was my change in routine.
For six months to a year, I had woken up every morning thinking how could I prepare for my trip? I’d run, done pull-ups/core workouts, and logged countless hours on a stairmaster with a weighted pack. Each morning after a workout, I felt accomplished and ready to take on the day.
When I got back though, I was stuck. I now had hours to spend reading books, with friends, or even trying a new sport, but it was difficult to do anything. I constantly thought “I could do try yoga or read a book about Cornelius Vanderbilt” but at the end of the day, I did neither.
Just do it
To get out of my slump, I took a tip from Nike and said “just do it”
Text a friend even though it’s been a while? Just do it
Try out a new yoga workout? Just do it
Open up the book you’ve put off? Just do it
The little steps I took jump-started my life and made everything a little easier.
Getting to Kinetic Friction
Mirroring kinetic vs static friction, it’s hard to get moving but once something has started moving it’s easier to continue. As longtime bodybuilders say “the heaviest weight at the gym is the front door.” Once you get the motivation to get to the gym, it’s a lot easier to do a workout. Once you do that workout, it’s not just easier to do the next workout, but it’s also easier to call your Mom on the ride back home.
When you don’t know what to do, explore something new. This exploration will get you unstuck and gives you even more future options.
So what I learned from Ecuador is action creates motivation
My personal reminder
And as a reminder for the next time you feel off:
- Sometimes you won’t feel like you have drive and that’s ok
- But regardless, get up and do whatever is first on your to-do list
- It’s scary, but once you get moving it’ll be easier than you think
- Then you’ll think of a second item and that’ll be even easier to do
- Same with a third, and a fourth, etc.
- Finally at the end of the day…you’ll be shocked at how much you’ve accomplished