
  • How to read – 15 min. How to actively engage and learn from what you read
  • Tweet on writing – single most influential tweet I’ve read. Beautifully written and if you follow this you’ll write better emails than 95% of people
  • Antilibrary – 10 min, beautiful concept on intellectual curiosity 

How to think

Processes improvements for life

  • How will you measure your life – 10 min read from the late Clayton Christensen. Absolutely beautiful piece with timeless advice in it about how to blend business concepts with your life’s purpose
  • Three big things – 15 min discussion on how much of history is logarithmic and a very few events can shape the world
  • The tail-end – 5 min read about why you should treasure every moment in your most important relationships  
  • Why we focus on trivial things? – 5 min read on why is easier for people to focus on smaller things that don’t matter because they are easier to understand
  • Erik bern on opportunity cost – 10 min read arguing “Never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by opportunity cost”
  • Amp it up by frank-slootman – 10 min read on why increasing pace is the best way to boost organizations
  • My-framework-for-dealing-with-fomo – 5 min article on why to focus on process and how events and successes that occur are lagging indicators
  • How to avoid half-heartedness – 10 min read on how to feel alive and follow your passions

What history teaches us today

  • Wealth is what you don’t spend -5 min article framing how important savings can really be. Great storyteller who often writes on the Collaborative Fund weekly newsletter
  • Why time has slowed – 5 min read on why surprising things cause time to slow down
    • Helps explain why March 2020 felt so long with all the new/unexpected COVID news
  • Three big things – 15 min read from 2019 on the major events that have changed our world and how they have huge ripple effects. Especially relevant for COVID changing our worlds
  • Three sides of risk – 15 min moving story on what risk actually is
  • Two-worlds – 10 min read on how there’s been so much prosperity from COVID while also so much struggle particularly among the lower classes
  • Stockdale Paradox – 5 min article on why to be a short term pessimist, and long term optimist



  • Wait but Why Elon Musk series– 3 ~45 min articles. If you’ve ever been curious about musk, this is from the inside and is the best top down level thinking for why musk does what he does and why he is so crazy at times. The Tesla and SpaceX articles are so thorough they teach you about entire industries
  • Wait but why The Fermi Paradox – 20 min article. Ever wondered why we haven’t met extraterrestrial species. It is more interesting and scary than you think
  • The-dictatorship-of-the-small-minority – First 5 min are all you need for Nassim Taleb to explain why a passionate minority has outsized influence as others acquiesce
  • Status as a service – 45 min. Long form article that is a phenomenal synthesis of social networks
  • The housing theory of everything – 20 min article on how Western housing shortages create systemic problems driving inequality, lower productivity, and even falling fertility